What is 'triumph'

What is Triumph
What is Triumph?
Knowingly or unknowingly, we all carry hurtful experiences from the past into the present that negatively effect our day to day relationships with one’s self, with others; at home, at work, and most especially with God.
Inspired by the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Triumph is a facilitated nine-day program designed to bring healing and spiritual growth to the wounded places of our being.
We invite you to come and encounter God on this gentle, powerful and life changing journey of inner healing and transformation—a journey leading more deeply into a fulfilled, peaceful, Christ-centered life filled with Joy.
Faithful to Tradition and Scripture the daily program schedule includes: Mass, Reconciliation, Rosary, Adoration, facilitated teachings, Spiritual Direction and time for sharing. The central five days of Triumph are days of silence.
Registration for each 9-day session is limited providing you with the sacred space for the work of healing and transformation to take place in your life. Typically, 30-45 people attend the program.
Who is Triumph for?
Triumph is for everyone!
Triumph is for me, for you, for your friends, for your family, for priests and religious and other ministers, for Christians of any faith tradition or denomination (for that matter, people of any faith tradition, Christian or not), for people who are at any point on their faith-walk -- 'on fire' or 'lukewarm' or completely 'cold'! And if you're not covered in this list, then Triumph is for you too!
We are all made for a relationship with God. Rediscovering our identity as His children will bring meaning, purpose and fulfilment to every area of our lives. His healing mercy and love are for everyone!
What will Triumph do for me?
Triumph will:
Reveal for you the TRUTH of who God is and who you are!
Help you to acknowledge and accept responsibility for the difficulties experienced in your life, and rediscover the joy of living.
Encourage you in making life giving choices.
Assist you to recognize your personal woundedness and understand the need for God’s healing work in your life and in the healing work of forgiveness.
Help you to identify and break patterns of generational sin and begin to restore the family.
Encourage and support personal conversion and the freedom for deeper personal relationship with God, self and others.
Bring feelings and emotions into balance and order, that they may serve as signposts in discernment and recognizing God’s guidance in your life.
Satisfy the ache and hunger within with what you are truly longing for.
Equip you with the tools to continually discover the power of God’s healing in day to day living.
You will learn to love yourself. As a result, you’ll experience better effectiveness at work, better marital relationships and a more fruitful family life.
The bottom line: Triumph enables people to become better citizens, business professionals, managers, workers, husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, and children of God.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
What Does it Cost?
We do our very best to keep costs of the program to a minimum. Costs will vary depending on the hosting facility and size of the group. Remember this includes your board and lodging, as well as, the facilitation of the Triumph program and all program materials for nine days. Check our events calendar for a date and time near you.
What is the Refund Policy?
Refund policy depends on the policy of the Retreat Center or Hosting Venue. Ask about their refund policy when registering for the program.
Can I Register Online?
Registering online will depend on the Retreat Facility hosting our program. When registering online please include a day-time and evening contact number as all online registrations must be confirmed by telephone with one of the staff of the Triumph team with a short interview.
When Does the Retreat Begin and End?
The retreat begins at 7:00 p.m. on the start date. We encourage you to arrive early to give yourself ample time to settle into your room and surroundings. Triumph ends nine days later on the end date afternoon by 3:00 p.m.
How Should I Schedule My Flights?
Book your flights to and from the hosting retreat city. You must be at the airport one hour before your departure time (two hours if you are travelling in/out of country). Keep in mind that every minute of the program is important, so no late arrivals or early departures please.
Is Transportation Offered to the Retreat Center?
Local buses and/or taxis are available at the airport and will deliver you to the Retreat Center.
What Do I Need to Bring?
Comfortable casual clothes are recommended. You will need to bring your own toiletries and blow dryer. You may wish to bring your own Bible, rosary, or water bottle. The grounds of Retreat Centers are beautiful, so outside attire is suggested. Bedding and towels are generally provided by Retreat Centers.
Are Internet / Telephone Available During the Retreat?
Wireless internet service may vary from one Retreat Center to another. Telephone service is accessible through one of the Triumph team members. You will be asked to set down cell phones and outside communication while on retreat. Please ensure that you leave Retreat House contact information with friends and family in case of an emergency.

History & Founders

History and Founders
The History of Triumph
While, at present, Triumph is an independent apostolate under the Directorship of the program founders, Jerry and Donna Kristian it was offered for the first time in March of 2010, as the ‘core program’ of the Healing and Growth center at St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission in Bruno Saskatchewan. Since that time Triumph has been offered 28 times with close to 700 participants having experienced the healing graces of the program. The demand for the program continues to grow as word of its fruitfulness spreads through the testimony of participants.
As a result of the greater demand for Triumph we believe that God has called us to bring Triumph to a broader audience. We are now taking Triumph locally in Saskatoon, and on an outreach-basis to anywhere in the world that we are being called to go.
If you have a group or parish who wishes to experience deeper healing and renewal, we welcome your invitation.
Meet the Founders:
met during the formation and founding of a post-secondary catholic school of faith and mission in Bruno Saskatchewan. Married in 2008 they have since become partners in the implementation and facilitation of the Triumph program. Together they are the parents of five and the grand parents of eleven. When not working or spoiling their grand-children they enjoy travelling and meeting the people and cultures of the world.
Jerry was born in Prudhomme, SK. After leaving high school Jerry embarked on a two-year trip hitch-hiking around the world. He owned and operated various food operations throughout western Canada, as well as apartment units, a hotel, and heavy equipment business in Saskatoon. One of the founders of St. Therese Institute of Faith and Mission, he held the roles of Board Chair and Executive Director of the Institute.
In 1978, he experienced a renewed relationship with God and a call to service in the intercessory prayer and healing ministry. With a profound love of God’s people, he remains faithful to this call.
Donna was born in Loon Lake SK, and raised in several communities across western Canada in a family of seven. Her love of the Church and preparation for ministry led her to study theology. In addition to having served as the Director of Healing and Growth at St. Therese Institute, her thirty years of ministerial experience includes parish and diocesan ministry, as well as, teaching the Introduction course to the Old and New Testament Studies, and Ignatian Discernment at STI. She has a BA in Christianity and Culture from St. Michaels’s College, University of Toronto and a Masters Degree in Ministry and Spirituality from Regis College; Toronto School of Theology; University of Toronto.